Post up the words to Families Can Be Together Forever
Post also these words with lines following (to be filled in later)
WHO ____________
WHAT ____________
WHERE ____________
WHEN ____________
HOW ____________
Get out a Ziploc bag and small dolls that represent a family (Lego Minifigures, Little People, etc.) and make sure beforehand that they all fit in the bag.
Start singing “I have a family here on earth…” while you put them in the bag one by one, and seal the bag. Sing slowly enough that by the time you’re finishing the first verse, they’re all in and sealed. (“...through all eternity…”)
Then as you start the chorus, tip the bag upside down and shake it around as you’re singing the chorus.
Then stop and ask them “What was I doing there? What's the bag? Who are the people?"
If they need help, explain that sealing the bag represents a family being sealed together for eternity.
How can families be sealed together? What did the chorus say? “Through Heav’nly Father’s plan...and the Lord has shown me how I can…”
Today we’re going to learn about eternal families!
Have you guys heard of the “celestial kingdom”?
What do you know about it? How would you describe it? Use this information to gauge misconceptions, or information they already know.
What do you know about it? How would you describe it? Use this information to gauge misconceptions, or information they already know.
How would you define “glory” - what does that mean?
There’s songs we sing:
There’s songs we sing:
“Called to serve Him, heav’nly king of glory”
“Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn king!”
So what do you think “glory” means? Great beauty and magnificence, or worthy of honor/praise
Heavenly Father has provided three different places for people to live after they’re resurrected. These places are called the kingdoms of glory in heaven.
So do you think these places are going to be pretty amazing if they are kingdoms of "glory"?
Have drawings of stars/moon/sun for these
Telestial - glory compared to brightness of stars
Terrestrial - glory compared to brightness of moon
Celestial - glory compared to brightness of sun
Which one do you think is the most amazing, magnificent, and has the most glory? celestial
Heavenly Father wants all of us to live with Him and Jesus Christ.
To do so, we must keep their commandments and receive important ordinances (like baptism, something we've all chosen).
The Church has been restored in order for us to receive these ordinances.
Before it was restored, remember, the priesthood wasn’t on the earth. So no baptisms.
Have illustrations/artwork to help hold their attention here
While Joseph and Sidney were working on the translation of the New Testament in 1832, they read John 5:29 which talks about resurrection.
Joseph and Sidney were wondering about heaven.
They realized if God rewards people after they die based on how they acted on earth, then surely there’s more than one place since everyone acts differently?
They received a vision of Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the three degrees of glory.
This is found in D&C 76.
In the telestial kingdom, the Holy Ghost and angels will be there.
But Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will not dwell in this kingdom.
In the terrestrial kingdom, Jesus Christ will visit.
He won’t live there, but He will visit.
In the celestial kingdom, those who have been baptized and kept the commandments, etc. will live here and will be worthy to be in the presence of not only Jesus Christ but also Heavenly Father and not only spend time with them but live with them!
They received this vision at John Johnson’s home in Ohio where Joseph and Emma were living. There were about 12 other men in the room who saw them receive this vision.
Joseph continued to receive revelations about the three degrees of glory.
In 1843 he taught friends that the celestial kingdom has three levels, and the very highest level is for people who have been sealed in the temple.
So let’s fill in what’s on the board:
WHO Us and our families
WHAT Live eternally together
WHERE Celestial kingdom
WHEN Plan now, earn the reward later
HOW ___________
We need to talk about the “HOW” still!
If we think about the Savior as the center of our Church and of our gospel, what is another main central symbol in our church that represents eternal families?
The temple!
Get out a temple model, sculpture, photo, poster, etc. whatever you have at home.
Set it at the end of a small table or on the floor and leave room around it.
What are the steps that we take to be worthy of the celestial kingdom?
- Have small papers or something else flat and proportionate to your temple display
- Lay them out like stepping stones as you say each step (papers could have words on them too) and have them get closer and closer to the temple
First, we must be baptized
Second, we must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands
Third, we must receive our own endowment in the temple (make our own covenants)
Fourth, we must be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity
Fifth, we must endure to the end…so keep the commandments, be loving and kind, forgive, have faith, etc.
Which of these have you already done?
Which of these are still left for you?
Which of these are still left for you?
In order to help ourselves and our families stay strong and choose the right, we need to do our part.
We’re going to watch a video about a family in Australia trying to do this!!
How were the kids trying to strengthen their family?
How did it make their parents feel?
How did it make themselves feel?
How did it make themselves feel?
Adapted a bit from:
Who has ever gone on a long trip in the car?
How did you know where to go?
Did your parents follow a map or GPS?
Did they follow road signs too?
We’re on an important journey here on earth - we’re trying to get back to live with our Father in Heaven. We need help to know which way to go! The commandments are like our road signs.
So let’s practice, and go on a road trip right now!
Pass out a paper plate steering wheel to each kid.
Bring with you a STOP sign and a GO sign, as well as the signs below.
Walk reverently to one of the doors and stop there (use your STOP sign)
Tell them that this door represents a baptism.
Nephi said the “strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in by the gate”
What is a gate? A door that you use to enter somewhere, like a garden, etc.
Nephi is saying baptism is the gate - is the first step - towards eternal life
Now head outside!
(follow your church building’s walkway around the building)
Walk a little and then stop (use your STOP sign)
Hold up one of the signs below and discuss.
Then use the GO sign to move a little further down the path before you STOP again
And so on until you're done!
Road Signs:
1/SERVICE (do you serve around your house? do you help when asked? do you thank your parents for service they do for you?)
2/KINDNESS (do you say kind words to your siblings? friends? even if you’re mad?)
3/PRAYER (are you reverent when your family prays? do you offer to pray?)
4/SCRIPTURES (do you read them on your own? do you help remind your family to read?)
5/CHURCH (are you reverent, even when you want to wiggle and be loud? do you complain about having to go to bed early saturday nights? or about having to get dressed early sunday morning?)
6/FAMILY HOME EVENING (do you remind your family to have family home evening? do you offer to help with the lesson or music or prayers?)
7/LOVE (do you try to show love to everyone in your family? what about forgiveness?)
8/OBEDIENCE (do you try really hard to listen to your parents? are you quick to obey?)
(you can add more to this list)
We’ve each made covenants with our Heavenly Father at baptism (to follow our Savior, to remember Him, to keep His commandments, etc.) and that’s only the beginning of our journey. We need to continue on our path and we need to also help support our family members too!
Pass out a small card of your own local temple to give them.