Post the Tenth Article of Faith
Write on the board → ADAM and circle his name or put a box around it
Also write these words, surrounding his name:
first, wife, garden, fruit, cast out, mortal, children
Ask them “Who was Adam?”
Have them come up and cross out a word, and describe what they know about Adam with that word as the topic.
first: Adam was the first man God placed on the earth
wife: Adam’s wife was Eve
garden: They lived in the Garden of Eden
fruit: They partook of fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
cast out: They were cast out as a result of their choice as they had disobeyed God
mortal: They became mortal at that point
children: They were able to have children because they were then mortal
Today we’re going to learn about how Adam relates to the latter-day church members and our latter-day church!
Illustrate as much as possible to hold their attention
So if you remember, they were told to leave Jackson County, Missouri.
So if you remember, they were told to leave Jackson County, Missouri.
But in 1836, they received permission from the government to move to northern Missouri, so another part of the state, to begin a new county!
In this new area, they built a central city called Far West.
There were other towns around it. Draw on the board what this would look like on a map
Back in Kirtland Ohio, there were some problems.
Some people who had been members of the Church were becoming enemies of the Prophet.
In 1838, Joseph Smith was warned that some men wanted to take over the Church!
And kill him!
Joseph needed to leave Kirtland for his safety, and the Church in Far West needed help getting organized.
So it made sense for Joseph and Emma to move to Far West.
Joseph’s enemies didn’t want him to leave Kirtland. So they were going to try to stop him.
Joseph had to sneak out! His friends helped him.
They hid him in a large box and put the box in an ox cart.
They drove the cart out of town and no one knew he was in that cart.
He got out of the box when they were safely out of town, and he got on his horse and rode to Far West with Sidney Rigdon.
They got about 60 miles, waiting for their families, and continued.
However, their enemies chased after them for more than 200 miles! They had guns!
But they couldn’t catch them.
Joseph was welcomed into Far West and a few months later, he received a revelation that they should build a temple there. He received this revelation in April 1838 and later on July 4th a small local church army called the Mormon Militia, and Church leaders, and Church members formed a great procession. They marched to music! They went to the place where the temple would be built and they formed a circle.
Sidney Rigdon spoke and the crowd shouted Hosanna!
This sounds just like a dedication service for when a temple is already built!
A bit earlier than that, in May 1838, the Prophet and others were looking for places to build other cities for church members. They came to a place called Spring Hill. Joseph received a revelation there.
The Lord told him the name for Spring Hill was Adam-ondi-Ahman.
This meant “Valley of God, where Adam dwelt”
Write Adam-ondi-Ahman on the chalkboard -- you could simply add it to the Adam already on the board
It’s the place where God talked with Adam way back in the Old Testament times.
At this place, Adam called his family together before he died so he could bless them.
Why is this extra important to us now?
That place is also going to be important coming up -- it will be where Adam will come again near the time of Christ’s second coming.
Adam will hold a great council.
All the prophets who have held keys of priesthood authority upon the earth will come to this council to give a report of their work to Adam.
Here’s some of who will be invited: Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Elijah, Elias, Peter, James, John, John the Baptist, and Moroni.
Jesus will then come.
Adam will return the priesthood keys to him.
Christ will then return to earth to begin the Millennium!
That’s the 1,000 years when Christ will live on earth and reign over the earth.
This was pretty exciting for everyone to hear!
Joseph that area should be a gathering place for Church members who were moving to Missouri from Kirtland. Many church members moved there and considered it a blessing to be there.
Let’s talk about what we do know about the Millennium:
- Everyone will be able to see the Savior
- All the wicked will be destroyed
- People and animals will live in peace
- Satan will not have power to tempt anyone
- There will be neither sorrow nor death
- A person will grow old, then be suddenly changed from mortal to immortal
- The Lord will reveal all things about the earth and heaven, including how the earth was created
If we are trying to live the gospel, we need not fear the Second Coming!
We will be protected so we can do the things Heavenly Father wants us to do for him.
There is a great scripture in D&C 38:30
“If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.” This was in a revelation given to Joseph Smith.
What do you think that scripture means?
Give them each a piece of chalk or dry erase marker and have them write their thoughts on the board.
How does that scripture relate to the Second Coming? If we are prepared for the Savior to come, we won’t be afraid of what will happen before and when he does come
Show this video telling the story of the Parable of the Ten Virgins
Tell them to pay careful attention because they’ll have questions to answer.
Before starting the video, hand out an index card or half sheet of paper with these questions and space to write answers:
1/Who does the bridegroom represent?
2/What does the oil represent?
3/The ones with extra oil were wise and prepared or foolish and unprepared (circle one)?
4/The ones without extra oil were wise and prepared or foolish and unprepared (circle one)?
What can we do to be prepared?
follow commandments
keep our baptismal covenants
keep the Sabbath day holy
read scriptures
serve others
forgive others
share the gospel with others
Have playdough or something similar for each kid
Show them an image of what the oil lamps would have looked like.
Good site here with images:
Give them time to create/shape their own - they will need a piece of paper to work on to keep the clay clean (paper towel may leave an imprint which may bother some kids)
Have extra playdough in a yellow color to represent oil
Have them shape tiny balls of yellow playdough - decide how many, 5? 10?
Talk about the ways you can prepare from the list above.
Have them drop their balls of oil into their lamp one by one as you discuss each way to prepare
This could be adapted to use actual oven-bake clay that you take home and bake for them, etc. Very adaptable.
You could have one or all of the songs below playing in the background while they’re shaping their lamps so they get familiar with the tune(s). Then if you have time, sing these songs (have words etc prepared for them).
Tenth Article of Faith song
When He Comes Again
Take home could be a small new container of playdough and the scripture “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.” D&C 38:30
A take on the word “prepare” and give something pear-flavored or a pear itself with a note about being “pre-peared” or to “pre-pear”