Sunday, September 18, 2016

Primary 4 Lesson 34: Jesus Teaches the Nephites the Beatitudes


Put a battery-operated candle on table
Wrote "Let Your Light So Shine" on the chalkboard

Today we’re going to be learning about perfection and happiness
→ what does it mean to be perfect? is it possible in this life? no, but we must try.
Jesus gave a sermon on how He wants everyone to live to be happy and how to try to achieve perfection

Everyone stands on one side of the classroom or the gym --> that represents where you are right now in your life in your quest for perfection
Then end of classroom or gym etc = perfection → Take one step
Have you reached perfection yet?
  • Is the step wasted because it did not get you all the way to perfection?
  • How will you ever reach perfection?
  • We must continue one step at a time if we are ever going to reach final goal of perfection

“When you climb up a ladder, you must begin at the bottom, and ascend step by step, until you arrive at the top; and so it is with the principles of the gospel—you must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all the principles of exaltation.”

In Jerusalem, Jesus taught his disciples The Sermon on the Mount to encourage them to try hard to follow the commandments. When he was resurrected, he taught the same sermon to the Nephites. This is right after the destruction, days of darkness, the voice they heard, then he appeared to them.
First he chose 12 disciples amongst the Nephites.
Do we have 12 disciples today?

His sermon began with the Beatitudes.
→ beatitudes = to be fortunate, to be happy, to be blessed
→ statements that start with “blessed are…”
---> when we live the way he teaches in the Beatitudes, we can be happy!

  • Go through all descriptions (below)
  • Post up around the room
  • Kids get blank paper and draw a book of Beatitude depictions, as many as they can. 
  • They get to snack on salted popcorn during their drawing (salt because of "the salt of the earth")

Then they get a handout (let your light so shine + glow stick taped on the back):

Descriptions used are from this site:

A person who realizes they need spiritual assistance. To be poor in spirit means that a person realizes they are spiritually in need (they need help strengthening their spirit and making the things of God a priority in their life), and they are humble enough to turn to Heavenly Father for help.
How can we show Heavenly Father that we realize we are in need of his help to develop spiritually? Pray, study his words in the scriptures, go to church.
Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Feelings of deep sorrow and regret for the sins they have committed. Blessed are they that mourn for the sins they have committed because godly sorrow worketh repentance. (2 Cor. 7:10)
How do we show that we feel sorry for the sins we have committed? Pray and ask for forgiveness, right the wrong, do not do it again.
They shall be comforted. Repentance brings comforting forgiveness.

Someone who is gentle, kind, and patient. To be meek is to be gentle and kind. It is also someone who has self-control and is not quick to become provoked or angry.
In what ways can we demonstrate meekness? We can be patient with family members and friends. We can be kind to those who wrong us.
They shall inherit the earth. The earth will someday be sanctified and celestialized (D&C 88:18), so those who inherit the earth will be those who are worthy to inherit the celestial kingdom.

THEY WHO DO HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS A person who desires to fill their life with goodness. We should have a desire to fill our lives with the things of God like we desire to fill our bodies with food and water.
In what ways can we fill our lives with righteousness? Learn gospel principles by studying the scriptures and by listening to our teachers and leaders. Keep the commandments. Avoid evil and temptation.
They shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. When we do good and righteous things, the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion.

MERCIFUL Someone who is compassionate and forgiving.
In what situations can we show mercy?
They shall obtain mercy. They shall receive mercy in the Day of Judgment (when we are judged according to the deeds we did on earth).

PURE IN HEART Someone who is genuinely clean and good in thought and action.
What are some examples of good thoughts and actions?
They shall see God. In order to be with our Heavenly Father we must be pure of heart, for no unclean can enter into the kingdom of heaven.

PEACEMAKERS Those who encourage harmony and peace. Peacemakers look for ways to help solve problems peacefully.
What are some other situations that you can be a peacemaker?
They shall be called the children of God. Those who are troublemakers, quarrelsome, or contentious, and those who go against law and order are following paths opposite those who choose to be obedient to their covenants to take upon themselves the name of Christ.

PERSECUTED FOR MY NAME'S SAKE Someone who stands up for the right despite opposition. “Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute (tease, make fun of, or torment), and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake (because of the  desire to follow Jesus and obey the commandments,); For ye shall have great joy and be exceedingly glad, for great shall be your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you.”
In what ways can we stand up for our beliefs in Jesus Christ and his gospel? Be obedient to the commandments even when others are not choosing the right. Let others know what your beliefs are.
Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

SALT OF THE EARTH Someone who influences and enhances people’s lives for good. Just as salt enhances food and makes it taste better, we should influence people for good. It also preserves food from spoiling.
Through contamination, salt loses its desirable taste and flavor. If we contaminate our lives with the dirt and evil of the world, then we could become a negative influence on others, and we could cause great spiritual harm.
How can we be a good influence and example to others? Why must we be pure in order to influence others for good?
When we keep our covenants with the Lord, how are we able to help preserve others from spiritual “spoilage”?

“Salt will not lose its savor with age. Savor is lost through mixture and contamination. … Flavor and quality flee a man when he contaminates his mind with unclean thoughts, desecrates his mouth by speaking less than the truth, and misapplies his strength in performing evil acts”

A small amount of salt can make a difference. A small number of righteous people can also make a big difference. Have the children discuss how they can make a difference by living righteously.

How can the lives of Latter-day Saints can be like light for others?

What eventually happens to the flame on a candle if the candle is covered?

How might we intentionally or unintentionally hide our light?

How can we “let [our] light so shine” without being prideful?
Glorify your Father in Heaven.  Glorify means to worship and praise. People seeing your good works will have a desire to worship God and follow his commandments.

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